Oranga community information day

LEAD had the pleasure of participating in a vibrant community information day in May.

The community information day updated the neighbours and other key stakeholders on the project's progress and what's coming up.

With clear skies and warm sunshine, families gathered to enjoy a sausage sizzle as they found out more about the project's impacts and benefits.

The event was a great success!

Residents enjoying coffee while they find out more about what’s happening in their neighbourhood.

A highlight was the positive feedback from residents, and hearing first-hand that the community appreciates our work.

The event was not just about sharing information, but also about strengthening bonds in Oranga – vital when you are working so close to people’s homes and in their community on such a big and sometimes disruptive scale. It was great to see so many people come together, enjoy the day, and learn more about improving infrastructure.

Oranga community information day

LEAD had the pleasure of participating in a vibrant community information day in May.

The community information day updated the neighbours and other key stakeholders on the project's progress and what's coming up.

With clear skies and warm sunshine, families gathered to enjoy a sausage sizzle as they found out more about the project's impacts and benefits.

The event was a great success!

Residents enjoying coffee while they find out more about what’s happening in their neighbourhood.

A highlight was the positive feedback from residents, and hearing first-hand that the community appreciates our work.

The event was not just about sharing information, but also about strengthening bonds in Oranga – vital when you are working so close to people’s homes and in their community on such a big and sometimes disruptive scale. It was great to see so many people come together, enjoy the day, and learn more about improving infrastructure.

Oranga community information day

LEAD had the pleasure of participating in a vibrant community information day in May.

The community information day updated the neighbours and other key stakeholders on the project's progress and what's coming up.

With clear skies and warm sunshine, families gathered to enjoy a sausage sizzle as they found out more about the project's impacts and benefits.

The event was a great success!

Residents enjoying coffee while they find out more about what’s happening in their neighbourhood.

A highlight was the positive feedback from residents, and hearing first-hand that the community appreciates our work.

The event was not just about sharing information, but also about strengthening bonds in Oranga – vital when you are working so close to people’s homes and in their community on such a big and sometimes disruptive scale. It was great to see so many people come together, enjoy the day, and learn more about improving infrastructure.